Keeping Your Workplace Safe with the Broken Window Theory

27 September in Workplace Violence

The Broken Window Theory, made famous by Rudy Giuliani in his book Leadership, theorizes that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in a well-ordered condition may stop further vandalism and escalation into more serious crime. It was developed by Social Scientists James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling and was first employed in the New York Transit System when crime was rampant in the system with routine muggings, robberies and assaults. In order to gain control of the system, MTA officers aggressively pursued all criminal activities...

Two Steps to Reduce Workplace Violence

27 September in Workplace Violence

Organizations assign responsibility for dealing with issues of workplace violence differently. Such responsibility may lie with Operations, Human Resources or perhaps EH&S.  In larger organizations, it is typically the Security Department. Too frequently we find that the program responsibility is shared or may not be assigned to any specific department. No matter where the primary responsibility resides, applying two simple principals will enhance the program’s effectiveness. 1. Assign a Single Point of Program Ownership When companies do not clearly assign workplace violence program ownership, the result is...

Human Resources Intervention Prevents Workplace Violence

27 September in Workplace Violence

After we hear about sensational cases of workplace violence, we frequently see co-workers and neighbors interviewed on TV, steadfastly testifying to the camera, “He just snapped. I never saw it coming”. More likely, the incident occurred after a long and obvious series of escalation points. We call them pre-incident indicators and almost always precede an incident of workplace violence. Violence obviously can occur in a single unpredictable incident. However, in the vast majority of cases, violence follows a continuum of behavior: Discourteous behavior can evolve into...

The Realities of Workplace Violence

27 September in Personal Safety, Workplace Violence

We hear a lot about workplace violence involving disgruntled former employees who decide to make a violent strike.  In fact, it’s more common for current employees to act out their anger in the workplace.  Here are some current statistics from The Bureau of Labor Statistics: 43 percent of workplace homicides involve current employees. 22 percent of workplace homicides are committed by former employees. 21 percent of workplace killings involve domestic violence that is carried out at the workplace. 14 percent of workplace killings are committed...

Today December 14, 2012: A Day Like No Other Day As Tragedy Strikes Again

27 September in Personal Safety, School Safety

Today started like any other Friday: up by 6:00 am, coffee, breakfast and then to the office. With no meetings or appointments to attend, today should have been a day to wrap up the week and focus on the holiday shopping season, send out the last Christmas cards and think of special holiday time with family during the next two weeks. Soon after my arrival to the office, it became very real to me that this was no normal Friday. School Violence and School Shootings, Happen...

Holiday Cargo Security

27 September in Cargo Security

While the holiday season is a time of joy and merriment, for shippers, this time of year is marked by  increased traffic congestion, crowded truck stops, and a dramatic increase in cargo thefts.  Although any cargo is at risk, the most frequently targeted cargo contents are food, electronics, metals, and clothing.  Cargo theft costs the nation $35 billion annually and is a growing nationwide concern.  Loss is preventable with just a few easy shipping precautions. Tips for Security Conscious Shippers: Evaluate truck yards in use by your...