Crisis Response

Rampart Group Our company

Cyber Series Launch: Protecting Your Vital Assets in a Cyber Threatened World

27 September in Corporate Security, Crisis Response

Rampart Group is launching a regular blog series to provide you critical cyber protection tips and information.  These tips will help you keep your information safe, ensure you are current on FBI recommended protocols for your organization’s information safety, and relay federal cyber legislative updates we think you’ll want to know about.   Below is our first blog post in this series, outlining the breadth and depth of cyber threats on a global and local scale.     Humans are the weak link in cyber security It is a fact that...

Improving Workplace Investigations

27 September in Corporate Security, Crisis Response, Investigations, Personal Safety

Workplace investigations become a necessity at some point in time in every company.  Whether you identify them as investigations or simply call them “just finding out what happened”, trusted employees who are not trained investigators likely are assigned the task. The result is often an incomplete understanding of the facts due to poorly conducted interviews, weak documentation of interviews, partial collection or improper handling of evidence, and poorly written reports. Following a few simple guidelines will dramatically improve your workplace investigations and potentially eliminate risk...

Five Key Components of an Effective Corporate Travel Security Program

27 September in Business Continuity Planning, Corporate Security, Crisis Response, Personal Safety, Travel Safety

Policy:  Effective travel program development begins with a well-written policy that clearly establishes how your employees travel on business.  It should include what class of fares can be purchased and whether direct routing can be booked—in lieu of cheaper fares available with connecting flights.  Your policy should address the needs of international travelers allowing for improved class on long flights over a clearly defined length.  The class of hotels must be included, describing the level of service permitted that is booked on business travel. The...

Predicting Violence in Public Venues

27 September in Corporate Security, Crisis Response, Personal Safety, Travel Safety

News reports in the aftermath of an incident involving extreme violence frequently quote victims and witnesses as saying things like “it came out of nowhere”, or “he just snapped”, or “he seemed like such a nice guy, I never would believe he could do it”.    All are common quotes and all are likely incorrect.  While specific incidents of violence can never be entirely predictable, the capacity for violence is often entirely predictable.  When situations are predictable, they are preventable. In the recent tragic case of the...

For Executive Protection Professionals: Tips for Medical Facility Advance & Understanding Trauma Level Ratings

27 September in Business Continuity Planning, Crisis Response

Advance work is one of the most critical pieces to a protection operation, if not the most critical piece short of covering and evacuating a Protectee from a threat. With the notion of reducing risk and minimizing threat, Executive Protection professionals deploy to locations all over the world to make best-laid plans in preparation of the Protectee’s arrival. Identifying suitable medical facilities is one of the key responsibilities of the Advance. There are a number of ways to approach a medical facilities advance. However, a primary piece...