Virtual Security Director Program ®

Virtual Security Director Program ®

Affordable, comprehensive, expert security solutions for any size business


Our trademarked Virtual Security Director Program® offers a unique, cost-effective, broad reaching virtual approach for introducing professional, comprehensive and strategic security programs into your organization regardless of your location, staffing level, or budgets. We offer high-level on-call 24/7 security consulting services by exceptionally qualified security subject matter experts worldwide to help you develop an effective security program, manage and audit your existing security program, conduct investigations, respond to threats and to workplace violence, conduct internal investigations and more.


This industry-first Virtual Security Director Program® lets you choose from a full suite of unparalleled national and international security services, tailored to your organization and delivered to you exactly when you need them – on time every time!


Expert Security Tailored to Your Exact Organizational Needs


For all sized businesses, government entities, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations: Rampart Group’s Virtual Security Director Program® is designed and delivered—to augment your existing security department programs or support organizations without a security program.


Today, more than ever, business and organizational leaders need to be attentive to the ever-changing threats and resulting liabilities that can leave your organization exposed, vulnerable, and financially at-risk. When it comes to safeguarding your most critical assets: people, products, property, information, and reputation—there is no substitute for the peace of mind and confidence that comes from knowing your assets are secure.

Assessing Your Risk

  • When did your organization last complete an enterprise-wide risk assessment to identify your liabilities and develop effective top-down risk mitigation strategies?
  • Are your existing programs effective and efficient—and delivering measurable benefits?
  • Have you developed a Security Metrics Management Program to measure your security operations effectiveness and the resulting cost benefits to your organization’s mission, goals, and objectives?
  • Can you accurately report your security’s value to the C-Suite?
  • Are you a Fortune 500 company with an effective security department and risk management program but need to augment your resources to business sites or locations where you have no permanent staffing?
  • Are you a Fortune 1000 company with no internal security program?

Whether you have a well-established security department, a security operations program with limited personnel and/or financial resources—or no security department at all, contact Rampart Group. We’ll provide you with the industry’s only virtual, high-caliber, comprehensive, and cost-effective approach for securing your most valuable business and organizations assets. We call it the Virtual Security Director Program®.

Consider it one of your smartest business opportunities.


As a Virtual Security Director Program® participant, you’ll have access to a dedicated Rampart Group Director and expert security professionals at all times for a wide variety of service needs. Whether it’s developing a new security program, fortifying an existing one, or utilizing our security experts in a crisis situation, Rampart Group has you covered.

The Advantage of a Virtual Security Director Program®

  • We’ll partner with you to enhance your current security program—or develop one for you
  • Help you identify security gaps that create risks to your organization
  • Develop  strategic risk mitigation strategies
  • Direct and manage corporate internal investigations
  • Serve as your 24/7 security response professionals—always available, on- time, every time
  • Coordinate  and maintain critical liaison with law enforcement
  • Help establish and/or clearly refine security policies, procedures and guidelines
  • Help you implement a “security culture” within your organization
  • Implement an accurate security metrics reporting system for effective management controls and reporting of risks and efficiencies to the C-Suite

Rampart Group’s ultimate goal is to help you integrate safe and effective security operations into the very culture of your business. – Never Leave Your Security to Chance.

Rampart Group is a Private Investigations Agency -License WA #1953 
and a Private Security Guard Company -License WA #900

Delivering Exceptional Litigation Services and Security Expertise 24/7!