Most People Use the Same 4-Digit Pin

11 March in latest news

The last line of security for much of your digital life probably isn’t as secure as you think. Whether it’s to unlock your smartphone, access your online banking or get cash out of the ATM, a four-digit PIN is often there to keep your secrets and your money safe. Read Full Article...

A Guide to Violence Avoidance During Employee Terminations

05 March in Corporate Security, Crisis Response

The Problem The termination of employees in the workplace is an unpleasant task. Employers like to think they have done their hiring due diligence through background and reference checks and have made the very best decision in selecting a candidate for a specific position on the team. There are a number of reasons, however, that cause the employee/employer relationship to go sideways and just not work out. Some terminations, depending upon the employee and the seriousness of the reason leading to termination, can potentially put the...

Situational Awareness – Trusting Your Instincts

08 November in Crisis Response, Personal Safety, Travel Safety

Lessons from an FBI Special Agent As a security professional and retired federal law enforcement officer with a total of 34 years in both fields combined, I have spent almost half my lifetime in public service and the private sector. Both fields have included serving and protecting; responding to incidents of crime against persons and property; conducting investigations; arresting and interrogating subjects and interviewing witnesses; collecting evidence and information that is key to sorting out facts from fiction. Although the role of the law enforcement officer and...

Rampart Group Tips for a Safe Run

Tips for a Safe Run

30 April in Tip of the Week, Tip of the Week Personal Safety

Spring is finally here and with warmer weather, more people are taking their workouts outdoors. Few workouts are simpler and more satisfying than a great run but running outside presents some personal security risks. Consider these 10 tips for safe running: 1. Run with a Partner – Runners that find themselves alone in isolated areas are most at risk of attack. If possible, always run with a partner or a group. 2. Leave a Plan – Be sure to let someone know you are out for a...