
Holiday Cargo Security

20:37 27 September in Cargo Security

While the holiday season is a time of joy and merriment, for shippers, this time of year is marked by  increased traffic congestion, crowded truck stops, and a dramatic increase in cargo thefts.  Although any cargo is at risk, the most frequently targeted cargo contents are food, electronics, metals, and clothing.  Cargo theft costs the nation $35 billion annually and is a growing nationwide concern.  Loss is preventable with just a few easy shipping precautions.

Tips for Security Conscious Shippers:

Evaluate truck yards in use by your drivers and ensure their stops are restricted to “secure” truck stops that are fenced and gated and employ security personnel, traffic monitoring and video surveillance.  Planned stops that are not within a secure facility should have pre-arranged security coverage for the load.

Drivers should depart rested with full fuel loads and make the minimum number of stops possible.  It is wise to implement a red zone area around the pick-up location prohibiting any stops within 250 miles of departure.

Implement regular driver security briefings for the holiday period providing reminders to remain vigilant for surveillance on the route and protocols for actions to take if drivers detect suspicious activities.

Consider increasing the ping rate of your GPS tracking equipment and ensure geo-fencing is in place for stopped loads.  Equip your trailers with door open alarms and ensure they are active.

The best policy is to always have the tractor attached to the trailer when stopped but if it absolutely must be disconnected, ensure air cuff locks or other coupler locking devices are in place before leaving the trailer.

Ensure the cargo box is secured with an appropriate high-security cargo-locking device and sealed with a tamper resistant seal.

Save your company money by having your loss prevention plans in place this holiday season.

Happy shipping from our family to yours!


kathy-leodler-headshot-for-sidebarKathy Leodler
Chief Executive Officer
Email:[email protected]
Phone: (360) 981-2703
PI License #3555
paul-leodler-headshot-for-sidebarPaul Leodler
Executive Vice President
Email:[email protected]
Phone: (360) 981-3397
PI License #4180

We at Rampart Group are committed to your security. Call 1-800 421-0614 or contact us today with your security or investigative needs.
