Steps to an Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Program
Workplace violence can occur in any environment—in any size company. Effective prevention is achieved through a systematic approach to the problem.
Defining Workplace Violence
At the core of an effective program is a solid definition of what is considered workplace violence. Defining workplace violence gives the company a solid underpinning for actions taken against acts of workplace violence and an effective defense to legal challenges arising from workplace disciplinary actions. Rampart Group recommends defining workplace violence as “any acts of harassment, intimidation, threats or violence”.
The Importance of Developing a Clear Workplace Violence Policy
Clear policy pertaining to acts of workplace violence—and that is effectively communicated to all employees—is an absolute necessity in an effective prevention program. Your policy is your standard of permissible and non-permissible behavior. Many companies tolerate minor cases of workplace violence, and then spend countless hours and untold financial resources on “return to work” threat evaluations—all to determine whether an employee can safely be returned to the workforce. This course of action inevitably opens a company up to challenges of unequal enforcement of policy and resulting litigation. More importantly, is must be asked, what determines acceptable risk in returning an employee to duty after an incident of workplace violence? If an infraction is a simple matter of harassment, is it a step on the continuum of workplace violence that will now escalate?
Look for a Continuum of Escalating, Aggressive Behavior
Workplace violence normally manifests itself as a continuum of behavior. The common post incident quote found in news reports of workplace assaults “he just snapped” is a myth. Pre-incident workplace acts of violence are typically exhibited—and missed by management. In the workplace violence continuum, discourtesy precedes disrespect, followed by intimidation, then harassment and bullying, which escalates to retaliation, verbal assault and then physical aggression. Effective policy forces management intervention early in the continuum before it escalates to physical violence.
Be Consistent With Your Policy
Uniform enforcement of policy is an absolute necessity. Ignoring a presumably minor policy infraction for a “good worker” who merely harassed a co-worker weakens the system, fails to intercede early in the continuum before violence is manifested and introduces risk to your workplace. You must have a clearinghouse for these cases where they are reviewed by trained staff with a broad view over-all operations and divisions. This ensures that policy is enforced uniformly and precedent cases are documented and used as a basis for decision-making and future defense of litigation.
Effectively Train All Management and Employees
Training is the final pillar in a solid workplace violence prevention program. Employees and management must understand the company’s policy, be able to identify pre-incident indicators, and they must understand their obligation to report incidents, as well as a working knowledge of all the company assistance and resources available to them.
Rampart Group: Your Industry Leading Resource for Effective Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Development and Deployment
If your company has no formal workplace violence prevention program, your employees may be at risk of violence and the company may be at risk for litigation. Rampart Group can help in every aspect of an effective workplace violence prevention program. We will assist in the policy definition, development, and the procedural protocols for uniformly handling known cases. We also provide a robust workplace violence prevention training program. Rampart is also experienced in engaging in high-risk interventions to mitigate risk of on-site violence. For companies with existing workplace violence programs, consider a professional program evaluation by Rampart Group to ensure your program’s effectiveness.
Kathy Leodler Chief Executive Officer Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-2703 PI License #3555 |
Paul Leodler Executive Vice President Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-3397 PI License #4180 |
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