Tip of the Week: Improve Your Home Security by Thinking Like a Thief
Minimize your chances of becoming the victim of a home burglary
Consider the goals of a typical home burglar. When selecting a victim, the burglar simply wants three things (1) a victim’s home that gives him the best opportunity to get in easily, (2) access to valuable objects he can easily remove from the home and (3) to get away undetected. You can minimize your chances of becoming the victim of a home burglary by denying any one of the burglar’s three objectives and if you can deny all three, you will have dramatically improved your security resiliency and limited your chances of becoming a burglary victim.
Following are 3 tips to making your home burglar resistant:
1. Make your home hard to breach – Install high-quality locks on your doors and windows. Use American Nation Standards Institute (ANSI) Grade 1 deadbolt locks on doors with a minimum 1” bolt. Remove outdoor ladders and platforms from which a burglar can access second story windows. Lock up your garage and don’t leave tools around a burglar can use to force entry into your home. The longer it takes to get in, the less likely the burglar is to commit the required time for entry.
2. Make your possessions hard to take – Install a home safe. Lock down all computers and electronics such as televisions. If you have weapons, keep them in a gun vault. If possible, convert a closet into a safe room with a reinforced steel door and high-quality locks for storage of valuables such as silver and heirlooms. If a burglar gains entry and there is little too easily steal, they typically leave without taking the time to breach safes and safe rooms.
3. Draw attention to the burglary – Utilize a good alarm system with exterior and interior horn and strobe systems. Alarms with sounders and strobes will draw attention to the burglary and dramatically increase chances of an apprehension. Advertise your alarm system with signs in front and back.
By denying the thief’s goals of easy entry, access to valuable items and undetected getaway; you can achieve your goals of a safe and secure home.
Kathy Leodler Chief Executive Officer Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-2703 PI License #3555 |
Paul Leodler Executive Vice President Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-3397 PI License #4180 |
We at Rampart Group are committed to your security. Call 1-800 421-0614 or contact us today with your security or investigative needs.