Tip of the Week: Simple Steps for Router Security in Your Home
In most home networks, the router is your primary defense against hackers gaining access to all the internet-connected devices in your home. Unfortunately, many top brand Wi-Fi routers are easily hacked.
You should be concerned — set up your wi-fi properly.
Home routers use WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). This is wireless networking that makes connections between a router and a wireless device faster. It is protected by a seven-digit PIN and a final checksum digit. This PIN is found on the bottom of the router. The first four digits are one sequence and the next three another sequence. This is not a hard code for hackers to break.
• We recommend you upgrade to a commercial grade router for better protection. Routers sold in chain stores or provided by your internet provider are not secure and are vulnerable to hackers. Avoid all consumer routers.
• Purchase a router that allows turning Wi-Fi on and off. If the Wi-Fi is not on it cannot be hacked.
• Change the network name or SSID from the default name from “Netgear” or Linksys”. Do not use a personal name. Use one that will not identify you.
• Change the admin credentials from the default username and password. Instructions to do this will be in your router’s instruction manual.
• Do not use cloud based router management. Turn that option off. Look for a mesh-style router that permits local administrative access. Mesh networks are not connected to the internet and are usually isolated.
• Set up a guest Wi-Fi network for visitors. Some have options to set up a timer so it is only available for a limit time and you can control when it is on. Here’s a link to an article from Lifewire to walk you through the steps.
• Disable remote administrative access and administrative access over Wi-Fi. This should only be connected via Ethernet.
Following these tips will give you peace of mind in knowing you are doing the best you can to secure your in-home network.
Kathy Leodler Chief Executive Officer Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-2703 PI License #3555 |
Paul Leodler Executive Vice President Email:[email protected] Phone: (360) 981-3397 PI License #4180 |
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